Planning to watch the latest release! How do you decide, it is going to be worth?
Well! All hail to Internet for making our choices easier every day.
Just watch a movie review and there you have, expert critics bombarding you with their opinions, so-called media brands and newspapers giving their ratings and last but not the least opinion of people coming out of the theatre.
Given the above choices, who are you likely to believe the most?
I would go for people who are coming out of theatres and so would anyone with the intention to spend their hard-earned money on a movie ticket. The catch here is people believe in reviews and recommendations from unknown people more than known personalities because a company couldn’t pay so many random people to write good reviews.
People are constantly in search of relatable content, wherever they find the connection they are looking for, they start digging it out there more and this is the reason why social media influencers are loved and followed.
Bhuvan Bam, a man with middle class background and no prior experience of creating videos became the first Indian to cross the 10M mark on YouTube just because the audience valued his content. Now, this is where influencer marketing comes into place, the millions of views on his videos reflect that he has an ardent following and someone who has subscribed his channel trusts him with good content.
And this is why brands approach influencers as they know if their product or services would be endorsed by them, people are most likely to believe them. This trust factor is further made strong by creating a whole discussion around it, the followers of these influencers show their interest in such discussion by clicking like, commenting or sharing it.
To be able to constantly survive in the game, the first priority is the online presence of the brand and the second is to advertise.
But do people pay heed to these advertisements? Do they really care and believe in the actors promoting a product or service in these advertisements?
Well, the truth is, advertisements have become another source of entertainment apart from just making people aware of the products.
So, how does Influencer marketing is different?
It gets irritated to the core when companies ping us every now and then and pitch their product and services. Hence, these tricks of grabbing the attention of customers are becoming redundant and invaluable for a company as the increase in number of educated people has increased the number of internet users which in turn has made information easily accessible.
To gain the trust of the customers of this generation companies are reaching out to the social media influencers, these influencers either create content around the product or service they are suppose to promote or simply introduce it.
How does it create an impact on the mind of the users?
Here comes out the relationship card, the image of the influencer on the mind of its audience. A faithful audience will buy everything the influencer is saying despite knowing a brand is being promoted. Hence, today the companies are realizing that it not important to reach out to millions but to reach out to relevant people who would really be interested in buying the product.
Influencer marketing is on the rise and these influencers are turning into entrepreneurs by lending their voices in support of these brands.
Yes, things may seem to be falling on the lap for these influencers as they turn from content creators to entrepreneurs but what if you could also acquire all the required skills to become an entrepreneur at an early stage in your life, click on this link to know more about the same MS in Entrepreneurship.
As the companies are devising new marketing strategies to be in the game, influencer marketing is here to stay because of its authenticity and power of engagement.
If your brand is still struggling to make a way in this rat race, it is high time to up your game by investing in influencer marketing.