It is a very basic thing now very one knows the Domain name. But what about a few people who know Google, Yahoo, or other names. But they still not know about the Domain name. So we thought to right on this simple topic of What is Domain Name? and also clear various things on it.
In simple words Domain Name Is?
The very first thing that comes in your is a name or an identity. Yes, it is a name that becomes an online identity and can be accessed by the web browser when you are connected to the internet.
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Domain Name in Technical Words
But in technical it is a service managed by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). It provides you with an identification string through various domain name registrar worldwide. Combination of these string becomes a Domain name which formed under rules and process of Domain Name System also known as DNS.
Now you know the domain name is the combination of string which is divided into 3 parts
Sub Domain + Domain + TopLevel Domain
Sub Domain = By default subdomain value is null but people set it to “www”, You can create more sub domain as per your need and requirements.
Domain = Is your internet identity which you choose through people can see your website anywhere in the world through internet and web browsers.
Top-Level Domain Names = This Is like an identifier in an internet system which is generated as a DNS root system.
So it is the basic things that help you to understand how a free domain name is created and how it works.
It time to get your own domain name now because your online presence can give you a name, fame, and money. Just think what you that people reach to your website on regular basis. You can write content, make videos, and many more things. But give something new to users so that people are excited to see your content.
You can score a domain name from Godaddy for as low as 99 cents.