More often than not, businesses prefer third party sources rather than producing original quality videos because of lack of time or they find it inappropriate to spend their resources on them. However, the fact is that it is very much necessary to plan a correct hosting strategy to get your business graph going up in no time. Video hosting platforms such as Vimeo and YouTube are some of the popular options. These days for most of the businesses looking for an ideal platform to share their videos. Everything has its pros and cons. Video Hosting for Your Business and the same line of thoughts is applicable with respect to sharing your videos on such platforms.
Here, we share with you some of the reasons why you shouldn’t give them much preference:-
- No control over ads
You don’t have any control over the number and type of ads that appear in your video. These ads can even be of a competitor you don’t like, but still, you don’t have any rights to alter them.
- Quality is compromised in search of quantity
For any business to earn good profits, quality and targeting the right audience becomes the foremost thing. However, by using third party platforms like YouTube, you might be able to get a large amount of audience viewing your videos but not the right or target audience which get you business.
- No profit
When you have your own quality videos and hosting platforms. Then you are able to earn revenue even when a user shares or embeds the video, which is not so in the case of third party sources.
Having looked at the three major setbacks that can put you in a no profit no loss situation, it is best advised to host your own video hosting site like YouTube which means complete control over your business and videos. One can also opt for integrating the video hosted on YouTube with the website by embedding a code which is again in fashion these days and highly not recommended due to the following reasons :-
Minimum leads and no conversion ratio
When you use YouTube for your video hosting needs, you will be not able to generate substantial profits. Whatever little you earn, a significant chunk goes directly to YouTube where the video is being played. This also leads to no lead generation or conversion for your own business.
Linkage to YouTube
When a video you embed on your website is already shared on YouTube, it doesn’t fetch much revenue. It is the giant video sharing platform YouTube which gets the maximum revenue. Share in such a case, because, when the user clicks the link on your website, he / she is navigated back to you tube domain. Hence, it is not feasible for one to embed one’s YouTube videos on the website.
Hence, it is best to have your own video hosting site, the benefits of which are as follows:-
Minimal price policy: Due to the increased demand for video streaming business, video hosting script are available at low costs.
Fast and effective speed – You can enjoy fast and global access efficiently with the help of CDN comparison.
Total control on customization – You can achieve the desired results for your business since you have full control over configuration and customization of your sever.
Security with private video hosting – There is increased security as no one else can access your server except your company and the company serving you.
Immense Power – Provisions of encoding / transcoding services by video streaming hosts often utilize powerful servers for fast processing of your videos.
Now that you are well aware of the cleverness behind the concept of free video hosting sites, let us look at some of the features offered by video hosting script which let you have your own video hosting platform:
- Live streaming video uploading
- Monetization
- Video portals
- Total control
- Customized branding
Beyond any doubt, there are many perks of using your own video hosting platforms. However, you should always keep in mind your requirements, objectives, content and target audience in mind while choosing a video hosting service to boost up your business.