Before you choose a web hosting plan for your brand new website, it’s important to analyze the various types of hosting programs available and their possible benefits. One of the most popular web hosting variants is VPS or Virtual Private Server hosting which combines the benefits of shared hosting as well as dedicated hosting. Wondering what exactly does a VPS hosting offer and why should you go for it? Let us help.
VPS is the perfect blend of shared web hosting and dedicated web hosting, which works on virtualization technology and has a dedicated operating system along with allocated resources for the renter. Although it works on a physical server, it is completely independent and need not be combined with other servers.
In this article, we are going to list the benefits of choosing a Virtual Private Server over any other form of hosting in today’s technology scenario. These servers are best suited for individuals and (or) organizations who want to develop an online business or an e-commerce website. If you are on the lookout for a cost-effective web hosting service, then don’t forget to avail the best offers on VPS hosting. Understand the benefits of choosing a VPS hosting package and kickstart your dream of operating a revenue-generating website.
Here are the benefits of using a Virtual Private Server hosting:
- Utmost Security and Negligible Downtime
If you have opted for a shared hosting service for your website, there is a chance that the servers might crash more often than not. Most hosting service providers allocate a whole crew of customers on the same server, thus hampering the uptime and speed of the server. As a result, the performance goes down and the servers tend to crash easily. To dodge this problem away even before it strikes your website, it’s best to switch to a VPS hosting.
Since the data on a VPS server remains private to the owners, it prevents your servers from malware and security threats. Protect your confidential data and secure your property against viruses and cyberattacks. VPS hosting provides you a secure platform to host your business without any compromise.
- Out-to-Out Server Control
When you own a server, you would like to monitor and control it according to your business needs. VPS hostings give you the freedom to gain full root access to your computer and install the software that is crucial to your business. Since you cannot gain control over the servers in a shared hosting service, it’s always better to go for a VPS hosting to monitor and tweak your codes according to the requirement.
You can access the script on a virtual private server, install software packages relevant to your needs, and sail away from the security threats caused by other unsupported software. You can keep a track of the configurations on your server and the software packages that are installed and change them as and when you want.
- Cost-Effective For Every User
A few years ago, the cost of a virtual private server could make your eyebrows frown but not anymore. With the advancement in technology, the cost of VPS has been slashed down in recent years. It’s always advisable to go for a VPS rather than Dedicated Web Hosting as you would get almost the same functionality at a much less price.
If you are wondering why it’s costlier than a shared web hosting, it’s because of the features that it provides. While a shared web hosting is vulnerable to frequent cyberattacks and lack of personal control, VPS offers you everything required for website management minus the security threats and dependencies.
- Resource Scalability
Scaling up the operations on a shared server is impossible. For businesses that are in the ascendency in terms of growth and traffic, scaling the server for future needs is very important. In contrast to a shared server platform, Virtual Private Servers accommodate the new data without disrupting the general functioning of the server. With VPS hosting, you have the ability to make room for the increased flow of data due to business expansion and surge in daily traffic.
Scaling up your server doesn’t require external efforts. With VPS hosting, you can simply increase the RAM in your server and let it roll. All you need to do is click on your computer to increase the RAM and you’re sorted!
- Customize According To Your Needs
With VPS, you can customize your software packages and hosting plans. Since the requirement for every business is different, it makes sense to opt for packages that are useful to your particular business needs. While shared server hosting doesn’t provide you the liberty to customize and a dedicated server hosting requires physical monitoring, VPS hosting is the best way to go.
Given all of these benefits, you can consider VPS hosting as your go-to web hosting service whenever you are ready to launch a new website. A fully managed VPS is nothing less than a blessing when it comes to a high-performance web server.
Author Bio :
Jaya Dwivedi
An impulsive backpacker, a storyteller, and an unsophisticated foodie, Jaya loves exploring new destinations and cuisines. She’s a Content Writer by the day, foodie by the night. She’s always on a lookout for the latest deals and offers to save maximum and fulfill her dream of traveling across the Globe!