If you aren’t generating enough fresh and qualified leads your business is staring at a downward slide. For every business, its success and future performance is solely dependent on how leads are generated and how they are converted into sales and new customers. This brings us to the most important question – how are you generating leads? You may have already been working on several online and offline lead generation strategies. But have you tried polls? If you haven’t done it yet you are missing out on one of the most effective ways of generating more and better leads.
Polls are interactive and hence enjoy an inherent advantage over other means of lead generation. Your static form in the Contact section of the website isn’t likely to generate the same kind of enthusiasm that a poll does. Polls allow your users to share their opinion on different subjects relating to your products and services or on the general topic concerning your industry. But creatively adding a lead generation form to your polls you can increase lead generation by almost 500%.
Use Poll Maker To Create A Poll
If you feel creating a poll is a tough ask and would challenge your designing skills as well as technical know-how, you should think again. Creating a poll with the help of an online poll maker is ‘super-easy’. First of all, you don’t need to have a developer on your payroll or reach out to your web development agency. A robust poll maker would let you create without dropping any sweat and all it takes is a few minutes of your time to create one.
To start with you will get to choose from a wide selection of in-built templates. If you don’t like them you can, of course, create your own. The templates offer you several customization options that will let you tailor them as per your needs. Add your question along with the options and simply generate a Link that can be published on your website or other social media channels. It is easy, isn’t it?
Benefits of Creating Poll Using Poll Maker
Apart from being easy to create there are several other ways in which a poll maker benefits you and here we shall take a look at some of the reasons you need to use them.
- Targeted Polls– You can run highly targeted polls using a poll maker. For instance, if your business caters to a wide section of customers who have different needs and interests you would be able to run specific polls targeted towards a section of your customers. Since they are easy to create and publish you can easily run simultaneous polls for different sections of your customers.
- Qualified Leads – Leads are good but qualified leads are even better. When you generate leads using the traditional way you will need to take them through various stages of your sales funnel which takes a lot of time. On the other hand, poll makers let you generate highly qualified leads. This works to the advantage of your sales team as they would be able to convert them into sales faster.
- In-depth Analytics – A poll maker doesn’t only let you generate leads but also offers in-depth analytics on the performance of your polls. Which section of users is responding to your polls? What time of the day does your poll perform the best? Which channel is your poll most successful on? You will get insights on these and much more on your poll maker’s dashboard. This allows you to prepare a tailored poll strategy that improves lead generation.
- Multi-Channel Marketing – As a business, you would be marketing your brand across different channels. From your website to social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to communication platforms such as WhatsApp and Line App. Using a poll maker you’d be able to run a poll across different channels using the same tool that increases your reach and allows you to generate more leads.
To sum up a poll maker gives a new direction to your lead generation process. It revitalizes how you generate leads and gives your sales team an advantage while following them and increases your sales and revenue in the process.
Eric Jones is a seasoned marketer who has effectively used interactive content such as polls, quizzes, and surveys to promote brands and increase interaction between customers and businesses. He has been pursuing tailored campaigns that are targeted towards improving brand recognition, engagement, and sales. As an active blogger, he continuously writes about the use of new digital marketing techniques.