The web hosting provider you choose affects your search engine optimization (SEO) results, as well as other aspects of your website performance. This is why choosing a web hosting provider that will satisfy all your needs isn’t that easy. If you want to make the right choice, you’ll have to go through the features, prices, and the quality of service a web host offers you. Choosing a web hosting provider that will suit your needs and expectations will help you get good SEO results faster.
SEO Web Hosting Providers
However, you have to be aware that there are SEO hosting providers and regular web hosting services. The difference between the two is that the SEO hosting providers won’t do anything to compromise your SEO results. In fact, they’ll help you obtain better results in a shorter period of time.
People usually use SEO hosting providers, also known as PBN hosting providers, to host their Private Blog Network. The purpose of a Private Blog Network (PBN) is to help you with your link-building strategy and establish authority online. If your money site, where you actually send backlinks to, is considered as trustworthy and valuable by search engines, it’ll rank high. So, the final goal is to create a network of websites that will help your main site obtain good SEO results. However, in the end, a PBN is a grey hat SEO technique, so its success practically depends on the quality of the web hosting provider you’re going to choose.
PBN hosting providers are created for the purpose of hosting your Private Blog Network, keeping it safe, and helping you get the needed results from it. If this is what interests you, first read more about how you’ll benefit from building a PBN and check the reviews on Private Blog Network to choose the right one for you.
In What Ways Does Your Web Hosting Provider Affect Your SEO?
If your website is search engine optimized, it means that it follows the rules that are necessary for your website to rank high. Some of them are website performance, speed, content quality, uptime, and availability, etc. So, in order to work on perfecting your content, you should first make sure that all the technical SEO parts are optimized and ready.
This means that you can’t work on providing your website with quality content if the speed of your site isn’t optimized. It’s very simple because as the search engines evaluate your website, so do the users. So, once an organic user gets to your site and clicks on it, if it takes a ton of time for it to load, then they’ll very likely leave and never come back. They won’t even get to read the quality content you have, because the poor speed of your site will repel them immediately.
This is the reason why before you optimize and fix the “surface” of your site, you have to dig deeper and get to the very core of the technicalities that might be the reason for your poor SEO results. And believe it or not, a lot of the web performance of your site is closely connected to the web hosting provider you choose. In addition, we’re sharing with you how your web hosting provider is connected to your website performance and rank.
● Website Speed
Your website speed is a ranking factor for Google since 2010, and as of 2018, speed is important for mobile searches as well. If your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, users won’t wait but will go to the next one instead. Your web host plays an important role in providing your website speed and fast loading times.
This means that a quality web hosting provider will have enough resources, fast hardware, and good data center infrastructure. A good web host will also use the latest caching technologies and this will automatically result in more views and visitors on your site. To check out your website speed, use this free tool by Google called PageSpeed Insights.
● Downtime
Every web host you choose offers you a certain percentage of guaranteed uptime. However, did you know that 99% of uptime means that you’ll experience 3 days of downtime a year? On the other hand, 99.999% means that your downtime a year is equivalent to only five minutes! You can easily calculate how much downtime your website will experience by using this free tool: SLA Uptime Calculator.
This means that every web host offers you a different percentage of uptime and it’s important to choose the one that will be in accordance with your website needs. So, if you’re having an e-commerce site, then you should think about choosing a web host that will provide you with the highest uptime percentage. This is the only way for your customers to be satisfied in an online business that needs to be up as much as possible. In addition, your happy customers that keep coming back to your site will ensure you get good SEO results for your website.
● An SSL Certificate and Security
Many website owners aren’t aware that having an SSL certificate (HTTPS) is a ranking factor according to Google. This is because security means a lot to Google. They even recommend website owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPS just so everyone on the web can be kept safe.
Choosing a secure web hosting provider will protect your website from malware, hackers, bots and any data breaches that may severely affect your rankings. If you choose a web host that is unreliable and insecure, your website won’t be the only thing endangered, but also the server from potential denial of service (DoS) attacks, making it unresponsive.
Many quality web hosting providers offer you an SSL certificate right after joining them, so you should take this feature into consideration. It won’t only serve as protection for your site, but it’ll also increase your rankings!
● Location
If you choose a local host for your website that’ll target an only the local audience, you’ll get more traffic and a boost in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Google will know where the server of your web host is located and will more likely present the local information to the closest local users first.
So, for instance, for the audience in Australia, Google will most likely show Australian sites from an Australian server first. If you are targeting the audience from another country, then you should choose a web host from that country. So, why don’t you optimize your domain suffix and choose the web host according to the country you’re targeting? This way you’ll have an advantage in the SERPs compared to your competitors.
In the end, the success of your website largely depends on the quality of your web hosting provider and server. So, you should make sure to choose the right one to help you out in obtaining the SEO results you want!