Whether you are a startup or you’ve already established yourself as an authentic business online, you will always worry about maintaining your website. One tough decision is pertaining to your hosting server. In most cases, a shared server performs reasonably well, but if you foresee a boost in site traffic, you will be much better off investing in VPS hosting. And an even better option is KVM VPS.
Why Opt for VPS Hosting
A virtual private server (VPS) enables you to run your business without having to worry about the performance of your website. It won’t be sharing resources with other sites on the server and without others on your server, you have all the dedicated resources and plenty of space for your website. Thankfully, you can easily pick CPU, RAM, and bandwidth as per your unique needs to enjoy the services of a dedicated server without having to bear with its cost.

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Now, you may be thinking if the traditional VPS hosting works well, why on earth would someone be interested in KVM VPS? What you need to understand is why they are different. With a KVM you’re using a Kernel-based Virtual Machine, a server on top of your physical server. It means no one else on the physical machine will be able to use resources dedicated to the KVM VPS. The result is a hosting service that is known to deliver excellent performance and utmost reliability. Let’s find out more about some other reasons to choose this hosting option:
Complete Virtualization
You may also want to put money on KVM VPS because it ensures complete virtualization. Your VPS will operate its own dedicated server without having any influence of the external forces.
Easy Installation
You may want to try KVM VPS because there are no installation complications. Depending on the company you choose, you simply follow an automated installation process to configure your servers. It is possible to find companies willing to install cPanel on your package in case you’ve selected a KVM VPS.
Availability of Dedicated IP
Again, depending on the company you select, you will be in a position to ask for a dedicated IP when buying a KVM VPS. However, keep in mind that you may have to deal with an additional cost when asking for a dedicated IP.
Good Customer Support
Reliability is the key benefit of using KVM VPS, but the quality of customer support will make it a great experience. Select a provider with a team of experts ready to help you manage your servers around the clock. You may want to head over to JavaPipe if you’d like to enjoy the benefits of reliable customer support through LiveChat, telephone, and email.
It all boils down to the fact that you need to take your time to consider your needs and decide if your business will benefit from a virtual server. And if the answer is yes, be sure to consider a KVM VPS for better performance.